Sunday, January 13, 2019

Collaboration Technology: Making it Count in 2019 - Cisco Certifications

All product developers and engineers want to develop products that impact and change the world on a large scale.  Whether it’s changing the way we live, the way we interact, do business or build connections, we want our work to count!

In the Collaboration team at Cisco, we’re doing what we love to do! We’re shaping and delivering technology that connects more than 300 million people around the world.

And we’re just getting started.

Because here’s the thing: for collaboration technology to matter, it has to be in FRONT of the curve.  It has to be the conduit by which companies and people harness the pace and scale of change. People deserve to work SMARTER, not harder. They deserve more, and we’re bringing it to them!

Creating the Ultimate Experience

What’s our mission in 2019?  We’re going to win their hearts and minds. We’re going to focus on winning hearts and minds with experiences that make you feel like you’re in the same room with someone even when they’re thousands of miles away.  We’ll do it with intelligence and context wrapped in. And we’ll do it across our calling, video, meetings and contact center solutions.  Across the whole portfolio.

Picture joining a meeting – whether with someone around the world or across the street – and feel like you are RIGHT THERE, catching every nuance, every gesture, every moment of body language.

If you call a contact center, you don’t waste time explaining issues because the agent ALREADY HAS THE BACKGROUND. They know your history and anticipate your needs. Issues are quickly resolved and hey, maybe you buy a little something extra while you’re there. Just saying…

You have the choice to reach people on THEIR preferred device without having to sacrifice YOUR preferred device. You can count on, without exception, the ability to call anyone you need to, at any time without worrying about the quality of the sound. If you need to huddle folks together the moment inspiration strikes, you can do that from anywhere and from any device.

 Some might think this collaboration ‘wish-list’ is a little far-fetched, but at Cisco, we’ve been working to make it a reality through our meetings, messaging, devices, calling and contact center solutions.

And I repeat, we’re just getting started.

Our collaboration future is intelligent. We’re threading intelligence and machine learning throughout our award-winning platforms.  Get ready for us to show you what we’ve got this far!!!

Making Your New Year’s Resolutions

Truly immersive work experiences…the ones you walk away from completely energized? We make these a reality for our customers.  EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Not sure where to begin? Here are four absolute “must haves” for your 2019 collaboration technology ‘wish list” to make this happen:

  • Simple – Complexity is an absolute creativity and collaboration killer so your options need to be easy to use and easy to buy. Period.
  • Friendly – Technology exists in an ecosystem and collaboration technology is no different. Your choices shouldn’t isolate you from other options or opportunities.
  • Flexible – Simply put, work should be as mobile as we are. Technology that’s easy to access lets you be productive and impactful whenever and wherever needed.
  • Intelligent – Next gen technology needs to adapt and anticipate so you can improve and provide the best customer and employee experience. The ability to recommend, personalize and predict are the next table stakes for this industry.

Building Our Future

The way we work is changing at lightning speed. And our Cisco team is WILDLY excited because we know the work we’re doing is making it count!  We’re defining the future landscape. It’s where you have this amazing, intuitive, intelligent technology our customers love to use – technology that enables them to be their best, most creative, most innovative selves and helps them make the impossible, possible.

Do you see the same when you look ahead? I really hope so because you deserve it. If that’s not your reality yet, all I want to say is, get in touch and let’s build it together!!

Our experts say about Cisco Certification Exams

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